With the intention of collaboration and the harmonisation of our terminologies, after providing some constructive feedback on common terms, MicroHE is endorsing the EMPOWER glossary and the eSLP project‘s description of short learning programmes. The specific terms referred to in this survey are defined below.

Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) or short degree programmes are a group of courses (units, modules or other learning building blocks) with a common subject focussing on specific needs in society and which are part of larger degrees. Different typologies and names exist throughout Europe.

Definition from eSLP website

This definition is based on the suggested need within the Bologna structure and based on the changes in higher education offerings that have been initiated in online provision in the last 6 to 8 years.

According to the EMPOWER definition a qualification is an official completion of a course or programme of courses; any degree, diploma or other certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the successful completion of a higher education programme.

MicroHE expands on the “successful completion” aspect by stating that a qualification is a formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent authority or body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards. Qualifications from part of the European Qualification Framework.

A micro-qualification is a sub-unit of a qualification. While generally micro-qualifications are not mapped to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), some countries allow for this possibility (e.g. Malta) and non-EU countries copy the practice too (e.g. Singapore).

The EMPOWER definition simply states that a credential is a term sometimes used to refer to a qualification. eSLP complements this by adding that a qualification may not necessarily be a credit and that the term credentials is mainly used to indicate competences.

MicroHE described an educational credential, somewhat differently, as a documented statement that acknowledges a person’s learning outcomes or achievements.

A micro-credential is a sub-unit of a credential or credentials (could be micro, meso, mini, etc.) that could accumulate into larger credentials or be part of a portfolio.

Thank you for responding to our survey, your input is highly valuable to us and will inform our detailed analysis of micro-credential provision in Europe. Answering all questions should take you roughly 15 minutes.

Survey on Micro-Qualifications in Europe

Background information

In order to make sure that we have a balanced sample of respondents, please allow us to ask a few preliminary questions
What is your gender? *
Which type of higher education institution do you represent? *
What is the type of your institution? *
What is the size of your institution *
What is your primary role in the institution? (When you answer the survey questions, please do so with this primary role in mind) *
How many years of work experience do you have in higher education? *
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? *

Some questions about your institution's position

Do you offer any kind of short learning programmes? *
What name(s) do you use to describe short learning programmes? (Select one or more options) *
What's the state of your institutional strategy for short learning programmes? (Select one or more options) *
Is there a business model for short learning programmes at your institution? *
What form of acknowledgement do learners receive after successfully completing a short learning programme? (Select one or more options) *
Do you have any formal requirements to assess your short learning programmes? (Select one or more options) *
Do you currently issue micro-credentials that are formally recognised as part of a degree programme at your institution? *
Does your institution currently issue micro-credentials for short learning programmes that could potentially be recognised by other institutions? (Select one or more options) *
Does your institution have a policy/framework for recognising and accepting short learning programme micro-credentials for modules earned outside of the institution? (Select one or more options) *

This section is about the institutional motivation and readiness to adopt short learning programmes

Rate the level to which you agree with the following statements
Strongly disagree
I feel neutral
Strongly agree
Not sure or cannot say

Additional information

Would you be interested at being involved with future consultations about the future of micro-credentials in Europe?