Knowledge 4 All Foundation
Who are we?
K4A is a not-for-profit and an advocate of AI applications and Open Education for reaching the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), especially SDG4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The unique ways in which K4A supports its 1000+ researchers and 62 member institutions is by co-funding more than 260 events, 60+ machine learning challenges, 20.000 academic video lectures and creating machine learning tools and software. K4A is one of the few EU based NGOs in the AI sector and is providing a triage between business, policy and research in AI and Openness, with two main streams of activities, on one side pioneering Machine Learning methods and on the other integrate these into technologies for large scale applications in Open Education.
Why we are participating in the project
K4A has an interest in technologies that provide support to open education and access to content, this includes developing the recognition for micro credentials and nanodegrees, for micro learning episodes, open and online.
Our role in the project
K4A will help build a blockchain based clearinghouse for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of micro-credentials.
Our Team

Davor Orlic
Davor Orlic (m) MA in Digital Humanities at University College London acts as COO of the Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd. with the goal of providing the legacy of the PASCAL Network of Excellence (machine learning). Part of this legacy is also the VideoLectures.Net website which has allowed him to work closely with the Open Education movement, especially MIT OpenCourseWare, OpenCast Foundation, Open Education Consortium and the United Nations. Davor has been a silent shaper and a driving force for AI and Open Education globally and in Europe. He is highly motivated in pushing forward a triage between research based technology, policy and business. He created OpeningupSlovenia - the first national test bed for open education, established three UNESCO Chairs, curated the 2nd World Open Education Resources Congress and is pushing the agenda for a UNESCO Recommendation on OER, a global policy harmonizing open education across 195 Member States. He also created a machine translation service for educational content ( He has extensive experience in FP7, H2020 and Erasmus+ projects, among others, COIN-IP, PlanetData NoE, transLectures, TraMOOC, MicroHE and X5GON.