The public deliverables hereunder follow the sequence in which they are listed in the original project application. The same documents are also accessible from the Publications page.

ID Title Dissemination Level
D1.1 Survey on Micro-Credentials in Europe Public
D1.2 Analysis of Stakeholders in Micro-Credential Provision in Europe Confidential
D1.3 Scope of Micro-Credentials in Europe Public
D2.1 Research Methodology on modularisation of education impacting Higher Education Institutions; pedagogy, organization of education modes of provision Public
D2.2 Future Impacts of Micro-Credentialling on European Higher Education Public
D3.1 Briefing Paper on Challenges of Micro-Credentials Public
D3.2 Credit / Module Supplement Public
D3.3 Users’ Guide Public
D4.1 Meta-Data Standard Public
D4.2 Credentials Clearinghouse (aka Credentify) and its openly published code on GitHub Public
D5.1 Quality & Evaluation Plan Confidential
D5.2 Compilation of Status Reports Confidential
D6.1 Dissemination Plan & Stakeholder Analysis Confidential
D6.2 European Micro-Credentials Portal (Credentials Clearinghouse and information about the meta-data standards) Public
D6.3 Conference: The Future of Micro-Credentials in Europe Public
D6.4 Miscellanous Dissemination Materials

Digital Credentials Masterclass Interactive Magazine

D6.5 Impact Audit Public
D7.1 Project Management Handbook Confidential
D7.2 Compendium of Management Meeting Minutes Confidential
D7.3 Collaboration Tools Confidential
D7.4 Periodic & Final Activity Reports Confidential