Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas – VMU
Who are we?
Vytautas Magnus University – VMU, ranked as the TOP 700 university in QS University ranking, is a classical university of liberal arts with 10 faculties, Music Academy and World Lithuanian University. Collaborates with over 370 universities around the world, member of international networks and organizations (EUA, EAIE, EDEN, BSRUN, AABS, IEEE, AMS, NISPAcee, ECPR, etc.). VMU Innovative Studies Institute (ISI) is the department which is responsible for study innovation at university and undertakes the role of methodology development and quality assurance, as well as infrastructure development for technology enhanced learning, study and research, training of academic community for the uptake of ICT in learning and teaching. VMU ISI also is an active member in designing open education in Lithuania and Europe.
Why we are participating in the project
VMU ISI was among the first institutions in Lithuania and Europe to prepare flexible online organization and curriculum designing regulations, including development and use of Open Educational Resources (as a partner in international projects NORDPLUS Horizontal action Nordlet: The Nordic-Baltic Open Community for Learning, Education, and Training, 2008 – 2011, eContentPlus program project “OpenScout – Skill based scouting of open user generated and community-improved content for management education and training” (ECP 2008 EDU 428016, 2009 – 2012), LLP KA3 project “e-Mentoring” (511579-LLP-1-2010-1-LT-KA3-KA3MP), and lead methodological projects for curriculum re-designing (LLP TOI REVIVE project, Reviewing and Reviving Existing VET Curriculum – project website http://www.reviveproject.eu, LLP-LdV-TOI-2008-LT-0022), LLP TOI REVIVE VET project (Review and Revive VET Practices, LLP-LDV-TOI-2011-LT-0087). Moreover, VMU ISI was among first institutions in Europe to apply virtual mobility for teachers and trainers (TeaCamp project “TeaCamp – Teacher Virtual Campus: Research, Practice, Apply” (502102-LLP-1-2009-1-LT-ERASMUS-EVC). All these projects and other established flexible teaching and training practices lead to quality assurance of curriculum design methodology and systems of validation to be established in higher education.
Our role in the project
VMU will lead WP5 Quality Assurance of the project MicroHE. VMU will also participate in other activities of the project:
- Identification of types of micro-credentials,
- Creation of typology of micro-credentials,
- Design and perform EU-wide survey,
- Interviews with key stakeholders & decision-makers,
- Participate in 1.5-day workshop with international experts,
- Organize and participate in national workshop,
- Review results of the proposal for a ‘Credit Supplement’,
- Public consultation on Meta-Data Standard,
- Manage the Risk Management Framework,
- Request feedback from partners for quality monitoring purposes and make recommendations for improvement,
- Disseminate the project results.
Our Team

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Airina Volungeviciene
Airina Volungevičienė has rich experience in European projects, in representing Lithuanian experience and innovative results and outcomes in different European events and conferences, as well as contact seminars. Her research is focused on qualitative distance learning/teaching curriculum development, open educational resources, virtual mobility and technology enhanced learning integration into an organization. She is a member of various quality focused discussion groups in education and ICT application to different sectors in education. She started virtual mobility as a student at University of Liege in 2004, and continued as a tutor and jury in HE pedagogy program at ULg. A. Volungevičienė is responsible for institutional regulations for implementation of distance and e-learning at HE institution (VDU). She has more than 30 publications, 3 monographs the quality evaluation of technology enhanced learning curriculum and integration of TEL in different organizations, 2 studies on virtual mobility and open educational resources. She coordinated 11 EU multilateral projects. Her short cv is available online at www.studyonline.lt, short institutional affiliation and membership at www.linkedin.com/in/airina.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Trepule
Elena Trepulė is a Vice Dean for International relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences and associate professor of the Institute of Education at Vytautas Magnus university. For the recent 20 years Elena Trepulė is an active participant of European cooperation and research projects, author of research articles and publications in education, technology enhanced and open learning, is an independent expert for EACEA and National agency in Lithuania.

Margarita Tereseviciene
Margarita Teresevičienė is professor at the Institute of Education at Vytautas Magnus university. Her research area: adult learning, recognition of prior learning, technology enhanced learning. She has acted as expert in the field of adult education Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Lithuania; expert for Research Council of Lithuania. She is a member of LieDM board and member of Lithuanian Adult Education association.

Vida Zviniene
Vida Žvinienė is a chief specialist at Innovative Studies institute, Vytautas Magnus University. From the year 2000 she works in the area of technology enhanced learning. Vida also actively participates in the activities of Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM association) acting as a head of administration of the association.